Tuesday, February 14, 2023

The More You Chew the Meat, the More It Tastes: Life Lessons from King Sejong


Have you ever heard the saying, "The more you chew the meat, the more it tastes"? This old Korean proverb means that the more effort you put into something, the more you'll get out of it. The same is true for life. The more effort you put into learning, the more you'll get out of it.

One person who embodies this philosophy is King Sejong the Great, the fourth king of the Joseon Dynasty of Korea. Known for his wisdom, leadership, and devotion to education, King Sejong left a lasting legacy that continues to inspire people to this day. In this blog, we'll explore some of his most famous quotes and the lessons they can teach us about life.

"The More I Read the Book, the More It Tastes"

King Sejong was a lifelong learner, and he believed in the power of education to transform people's lives. He once said, "The more I read the book, the more it tastes. As you read it again, you discover what you have passed at first and think anew. In other words, I read 100 times and learn 100 times."

What can we learn from this quote? Here are a few takeaways:

  • Lifelong learning is essential: King Sejong didn't see education as something you do only in your youth. Instead, he believed in the power of continuous learning throughout one's life. Even if you've read a book before, there's always something new to discover in it.
  • Active reading is key: King Sejong didn't just passively read books. He actively engaged with them, thinking deeply about what he was reading and considering how he could apply it to his life. This kind of active reading can help you get more out of the books you read.
  • Reflection is important: King Sejong recognized the value of reflecting on what you've learned. By reading a book multiple times and thinking anew, you can deepen your understanding and gain new insights.

"If You Want to Rule the World, You Must First Rule Your Country. If You Want to Rule Your Country, You Must First Rule Your Family."

This quote from King Sejong speaks to the importance of leadership, both on a large and small scale. Here are some lessons we can take from it:

  • Change starts at home: Before you can be an effective leader on a larger scale, you need to start by leading yourself and your family. By modeling good behavior and values, you can create a ripple effect that impacts those around you.
  • Leadership requires responsibility: King Sejong recognized that being a leader is a huge responsibility. You can't just focus on your own interests; you need to consider the well-being of those you lead.
  • Think globally, act locally: If you want to make a positive impact on the world, you need to start by making a positive impact on your own corner of it. By ruling your family and your country with wisdom and integrity, you can help create a better world for all.

"A Wise Man Can Learn More from a Foolish Question Than a Fool Can Learn from a Wise Answer."

This quote from King Sejong is a reminder that we can learn something from everyone, even if they don't seem to have much to teach us. Here are a few lessons we can take from this quote:

  • Don't dismiss others: Even if someone seems foolish or ignorant, they may still have something valuable to teach you. By keeping an open mind and listening to others, you can expand your understanding and learn new things.
  • Ask questions: If you want to learn, you need to ask questions. Even if you think you know the answer, asking a question can help you.